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Sat, 22 Jan 2005

Big thanks to those who came and saw us on Thursday, some good sets from bands trying to do something a little different.

There is a song for you to listen to on our Pineapster page. An overly compressed copy of "Blue Sky Honey," a track that will be appearing on the next CD. Expect a less wooshy version to appear on this site soon.

I also have no idea whether the gig with Wolfpac is going ahead. In all the excitement I forgot to ask on Thursday. Stay tuned.

The line-up for the first Guitar Bank Holiday of the year has been announced. Confusingly titled GBH#4 "The easter egg-plosion" it will take place on 27th March 2005 at The Attik and features; TEAM, Love Ends Disaster!, Old Basford, Tired Irie, and Teen Amateur. Doors open at 5pm and the first band will play at 6pm.

Author: JR

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