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Displaying results 81-90 of 105

Kiajaroovah play in Nottingham tonight! If you are not there you better have a good excuse.

Author: JR

Marv to drum for The Smears? Singers not as bad as once thought? - Nope, Singer still sucks (oooh did I use singuler there!?!)

Author: JR

Singers suck. That is all.

Author: JR

More gigs to be confirmed soon...Junktion 7 and The Victoria. Keep checking gigs or sign up for the newsletter.

Author: JR

Hmm... jr to DJ at The Shed on the 22nd Aug...?

Author: JR

The CDs are now ready for your good selves should you so desire. Rumours of t-shirts are heavy in the air at the moment.

Author: JR

forget that stuff! are you going to the CHARLOTTE next week to see TEAM + KIAJAROOVAH on the 5th (saturday). a top rocking nite is to be had by all! all groupies see KNOWLEDGE from TEAM.....................

Author: JR

jr and Huxley to DJ at the monthly [Pineapster] night at [The Attik] on August 27th.

Author: JR

The Kiajaroovah CD cover art is viewable [here]. To order a free CD just follow the link or send us a mail at [].

Author: JR

The Kiajaroovah CD cover art is viewable [here]. To order a free CD just follow the link or send us a mail at [].

Author: JR
Displaying results 81-90 of 105
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